Welcome to our Travel Log!
A few months ago, we made the tough decision to pack up our lives in California and make a cross-country move to Washington, DC. Somewhere along the way, we realized that it would be a great opportunity to take a little time and see some of the world. And so now we are embarking on a three-month travel adventure.
We’ll be visiting eight countries on three continents with plans to see as much as we can - from the Great Wall to mountain gorillas. With so many places in the world to see, narrowing it down to something manageable wasn’t easy. But in the end, we chose places that neither of us had visited before and places that would be difficult to visit with only one or two weeks of vacation time. We’ll be doing some traveling on our own, and some with family and friends who will join us along the way.
We are so excited for all of it and are going to do our best to keep you posted on our travels via this website. So check back every now and again for updates and stories from our trip. We won't likely be posting what we have for lunch each day, but maybe the most striking moment or experience in a particular place, hopefully with a photo or two.
We’ll return to the US on April 1st and will make our way to DC for whatever lies in store for us there. But until then, we’re taking the long way to Washington…
Sarah & Gus
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